Summit is the high school youth group for students
in 9th through 12th grades.
Sunday Nights
We meet the first, second, and fourth Sundays of the month from 6:30 pm-8: 30 pm September-May. Our evenings begin with sharing a meal together, lovingly made by a congregation member, and then we spend the rest of our time fellowshipping while we dive into a biblical study.
Other Summit Activities
Our group also enjoys fun outings, reatreats, and service opportunities together throughout the year. And each summer, we take a one-week trip to enjoy either a service learning opportunity or a spiritual growth retreat. It's always a great opportunity to get away from the distractions of everyday life and build our relationships with each other and with God.
If you are interested in learning more about Summit and how to get involved, please contact Kevin Anderson at summit@hhcrc.org for more information!
Sunday mornings | 11AM
High school Sunday school class is offered after the morning church service. This time focuses on equipping our youth with knowledge about the teachings of our church, as well as spiritual practices that can help them grow in their faith.
We care about your kid's safety: All adult volunteers for our youth ministry programs have undergone background checks.
For Summit High School Ministry liability forms must be filled out!
Please use this LINK to fill out online.